Silent install builder
Silent install builder

silent install builder
  1. #Silent install builder how to#
  2. #Silent install builder software#
  3. #Silent install builder code#
  4. #Silent install builder license#
  5. #Silent install builder download#

#Silent install builder license#

Invalid License or License Count Exceeded

#Silent install builder how to#

The example below explains how to create a custom license key page and how to validate its input:

#Silent install builder software#

In some cases it is desirable to prevent your users from installing your software without providing a previously purchased license key. With regards to getting information from the end user such as the installation directory, ports or passwords, the User Input and Pages sections include countless examples of how to retrieve all of the information required and how to properly create complex layouts.

silent install builder

A listing of all available points during the installation process in which these actions will be executed can be found in the Action Lists section. You can get a comprehensive list of available actions in the Actions appendix. For example, tasks such as changing permissions or starting a bundled Apache server would be performed after your software is installed. In most cases, a or element is used to perform a first validation of the system, such as checking for previous installations or enough disk space and the, executed after the unpack process, is used to perform actions with the installed files. The Advanced section allows managing both custom pages and actions. You can add logic to the installer, such as asking for information from the end user, creating users or writing some information to the registry. If you need special permissions to write to the destination folders, you may need to require installation by root (see "Customization of the installer" below). It is possible, however, to add additional folders to copy files and directories to, such as /usr/bin or /etc/ by pressing the "Add Destination Folder" button in the Files screen. Most applications only install files under the main installation directory ("Program Files" folder in the Files screen). If a folder only supports a particular target platform, such as Linux, it will only be included in installers for that particular platform. The selected files and directories will be copied to the destination the user chooses during installation. Multiple selection is not available for directories at this time. You can add multiple files by pressing down the Control key and clicking on them in the File selection dialog. You can add files and directories to this folder by selecting the "Program Files" folder and using the "Add File" and "Add Directory Tree" buttons. The "Program Files" folder represents the target installation directory. The next step is to click on the "Files" icon, which will lead to the screen shown in Figure 16. A similar message will also be displayed in the Welcome page of the generated installers. If no license is registered or an incorrect one is provided, the message Built with an evaluation version of InstallBuilder will be displayed while building. If the GUI builder is closed and then reopened without specifying the -license flag, the generated installers will use a previously registered license.

#Silent install builder code#

The code above will launch the command line or GUI builder and all generated installers will be registered with the license ~/licenses/license.xml. $> builder build ~/project.xml -license ~/licenses/license.xml $> builder -license ~/licenses/license.xml

silent install builder

To do so, you can use the -license flag both with the GUI and command line builder. Not have write permissions for the InstallBuilder installation directory. For example, this is necessary when you do Sometimes you may need to specify a license at build time, instead of registering your copy of InstallBuilder. The default value for installation will be a folder in your home directory if you are running the installer as a regular user (recommended) or /opt/installbuilder-20.12.0/ if you are running the installation as superuser (root). You will be greeted by a Welcome screen if you are running in a Desktop environment or a text message (if no GUI mode is available). It directly from the command line with: $>. You can now start the installation by double-clicking on the file from your Desktop environment or by invoking Alternatively you can issue the following shell command: $> chmod +x installbuilder-professional-20.12.n Make sure it has read and executable permissions by right clicking on the file, selecting "Properties" and then setting the appropriate permissions. It should have a name similar to installbuilder-professional-20.12.n.

#Silent install builder download#

You can download the VMware InstallBuilder binary from the VMware InstallBuilder website. The rest of this section assumes you are running Linux. The process for installing on Linux and other Unix platforms is similar.

Silent install builder